The largest brokerage house in Serbia chooses Blinking to confirm the identity of its clients
We are pleased to announce the partnership with Tesla Capital, a part of the Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermediation and Brokerage Industry and leading online brokerage house in Serbia and the region of Southeast Europe. In order to accelerate digital transformation and to deliver a superior end-customer experience to their tech-savvy clients, Tesla Capital joined forces with Blinking to produce a frictionless onboarding process.
Customer expectations are changing, driven by other industries which focus more on efficient operations and digital experience. Businesses are obliged to see digital transformation as a necessity not a competitive advantage it used to be. In order to achieve greater value and efficiency information has to flow seamlessly between companies and clients.
To achieve this frictionless digital status Blinking uses AI-powered document and biometric verification – Identify solution, to verify users quickly and efficiently while meeting (KYC) requirements.
From now on, Tesla Capital clients will be able to use the Blinking Identify platform for the entire user registration process, from coming to the site to signing the documentation, completely online. Clients will be able to confirm their identity in less than 7 minutes.
In this 7 minutes process we enable clients with an additional step: a high-quality live video session between the agent and the client. This step enables additional confirmation of identity, which implies compliance with all legal regulations in Serbia and other markets where Tesla Capital operates.
Further, Blinking enables online documents signing with OTP SMS code (contract, consent), all in a few clicks.
We are dedicated in supporting Tesla Capital’s vision to focus on client superb experience and seamless integration on their system by using our superior biometric verification solution.